Tuesday, July 19, 2005

SCOTUS Nominee

GratisNet: "Seems the Bush maladministration is moving up the naming of their nominee to replace Justice O'Connor. The DC rumor mill has it that it will be Judge Edith Clement of the U.S. Court of Appeals in New Orleans. While she is known as both a conservative and a strict constructionist she has also made some interesting comments regarding abortion rights. From CNN: [The Supreme Court] 'has clearly held that the right to privacy guaranteed by the Constitution includes the right to have an abortion' and that 'the law is settled in that regard.' It remains to be seen what the reaction of the SCRTL (So Called Right To Lifers) will be if she is indeed the choice of C-plus Augustus.

Apparently the naming of the nominee has been moved up in order to take the air out of the sails of the Karl Rove story. Yet another indication of the contempt this damnable group has for the press and the American people. Hopefully both the press and the people will demonstrate that, unlike this maladministration of fools and tools, they can chew gum and walk at the same time."


Jeff Huber said...

Maybe we can or can't juggle two balls at the same time. Fortunately, the Fitzgerald investigation will go on regardless of the news coverage.


Bob Sakowski said...

"Fortunately, the Fitzgerald investigation will go on regardless of the news coverage."


Bob Sakowski said...

" I'm hoping the nominee isn't completely awful, and by awful I mean a wingnut, and that the democrats wave her in tootsweet."

ABC is reporting that the nominee isn't going to be Edith Clement. Look for him to go with Gonzalez although that will drive the SCCR nuts.

That will make things interesting. The last thing I want is an anti-civil liberty like Gonzalez on the court, but we shall know which wing nut jurist Commander Codpiece has in mind in about an hour.

Then it will be time enough to comment.

"PS. Nice new digs, Bobski!"

Thanx, as I get older I seem to like to change things a bit more often. ;)