Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What's in a name?

GratisNet: "Of all the blather on the tube about Wilson' wife, seems one item is overlooked. In all the CIA memo documentation, she is identified as Valerie Wilson. In the White House, she is noted as Wislon's wife.

The 64 thousand dollar question is from whence came the Valerie Plame name?

Fitgerald answers that question and a whole lot of republican scum will be measured for red jumpsuits."

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Scooter was protecting Dirty Dick.

GratisNet: "Libby lied to protect Cheney. Libby now says he learned of Valerie Plame from the VP.

Did Libby come to Jesus yesterday? Will he do so today? Curiouser and curiouser it becomes.

Round and round it goes and where it stops only Fitzgerald knows. Karma is, indeed, a bitch."

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Deja Vu, all over again?

Will the senior White House staff be decimated by indictments?

Will Cheney resign due to "poor health" in order to avoid emulating Spiro Agnew?

Will Preznit Likesboyz be named as an unindicted conspirator?

These ideas just may not be that far fetched. In any event the next 7-10 days promise to be as interesting and significant as those of the Watergate scandal 31 years ago.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A Nixonian question.

What did Bush know and when did he know it?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rumors run rampant.

Rumors abound as to the Fitzgerald GJ.

Sealed indictments already. Indictments next week. Meeting with the judge about extending the term of the GJ, etc., etc., etc..

Everyone take a breath, sit back and enjoy the show.

Best rumor I've heard yet, from the old FIDOnet POLITICS area, which can be read at:

Get ready. Here it is from the most brain dead, rabid wingnuts you can imagine.

"Joe Wilson AND his wife will get indicted for fraud."

So sayeth the man known, in bygone days, as Centurion.

Too funny for words but then it does beg the question, how is it possible for such feeble brains to generate enough power to run their autonomic nervous systems?

Such are the conservatives of today.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Louis Freeh

Louis Freeh, promoting his book, slams Clinton on 60 minutes.

All one needs to know about Freeh, the most incompetent man ever to head the FBI is that if he hadn't squandered so many agents chasing after Clinton's zipper perhaps 09-11-01 would have played out differently. We will never know because he was too busy doing the bidding of the rabid Clinton haters in the congress and as a result, had no time to do the job he was expected to do, protecting the people.

Compared to him, the fictional Inspector Clouseau was a genius.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Friday Follies

GratisNet: "New York subway threat. Olberman notes that 13 of the last terrorism threats came when the administration was taking severe hits in the media and/or the polls. Coincidence?

Preznit Pretzel Warrior, a split personality? In his speech claimed that 'we gained the peace that freedom brings' but can peace be used to describe what is going on in Iraq? Perhaps Turdblossom is a mite too busy with trying to keep himself out of an orange jumpsuit than helping Bush with his message?

The peace we gained in Iraq? From AP: Six marines killed in bomb blasts, four near Karma and 2 in Qaim. Some peace.

Bush claims ten terror plots foiled. Uh-huh and the moon is made out of cheese. Paraphrasing that old Wendy's commercial from 30 years ago Preznit Lyin' King, show us the particulars.

President Bush said to all of us: 'I’m driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan', “And I did, and then God would tell me, ’George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq.’ And I did.' --- Plestinian Deputy Prime Minister Nabil Shaath in a BBC documentary series recounting a June 2003 meeting he attended along with Mahmoud Abbas, now Palestinian president. So Preznit Not-so-dry Drunk is hearing voices. How scary is that?

'Evil men obsessed with ambition and unburdened by conscience must be taken very seriously, and we must stop them before their crimes can multiply,' --- Preznit Putz. Funny, that's exactly what sane people here and overseas are saying about you Georgie boy.

Thoughts on what might happen if indictments are handed down by the Fitzgerald Grand Jury. Preznit Pardon will grant presidential pardons, ala Poppy, in an effort to put out the fire. This will force everyone, even his erstwhile supporters to rethink their positions. Same goes if one or two unindicted coconspirators are named.

Another TGIF day. Have a great weekend and do something nice for someone you DON'T know."

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Thursday Thoughts

GratisNet: "Torture was not, is not, nor ever should be, an American tactic. We are supposed to be better than that.

The Geneva Convention regarding prisoners was not enacted in order to protect the prisoners we hold, rather, it was designed to protect OUR combatants in the custody of our adversaries.

With the arrest for espionage of the former Marine who worked in Cheney's office, can we finally dispense with the 'adults in charge' canard?

Can everyone take a deep breath and count to however long it takes for Fitzgerald to do what he is going to do before making any comments? Facts are so much better to discuss than rumors, after all, we are not republicans.

Why hasn't the media covered the fact that only 10% of government funding for the reconstruction on the Gulf Coast and in NOLA has been allocated to local companies? The locals could use the work and the local firms could use the business. They will also do a better job than Cheney's pals at Haliburton for they have a stake in the outcome.

It has been 8 years since the H5N1 flu virus made the jump from bird to human. why has it taken until now for the government to become concerned? Why has the media been so far behind the news regarding the possibility of a pandemic? When will the media note that the current flu vaccines are based on the H1N1 virus and as such has limited or no effectiveness on the H5N1 virus currently expanding in Asia? When will the media report that Tamiflu has not been effective against a strain of H5N1 virus currently on the loose in Vietnam? Are we about to see a replay of 1918 and the so-called Spanish Flu? Why hasn't the media pressed the government for the plan of action, other than Preznit Shallow Thinker's idea of placing areas where it has broken out under effective Martial Law?"

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The best person he could find.

GratisNet: "Preznit Lamedick says the Miers was the best person he could find for Sandra Day O'Connor's seat on the SCOTUS.

Question for conservative wingnuts everywhere: How does it feel to to have those conservative judges, members of the Federalist Society, called less qualified to sit on the SCOTUS than a 60 year old woman who never married, never was a judge, never really had anything close to a notable career as a lawyer?

Are you wingnuts feeling as used as a douce bag in a whorehouse about now?

That's what you get when you give your allegiance to a man who has no sense of loyalty, ethics or morality. Are you happy now?"

Monday, October 03, 2005


GratisNet: "'She rose to her present position by her absolute devotion to George Bush. I mentioned last week that she told me that the president was the most brilliant man she had ever met. To flatter on such a scale a person must either be an unscrupulous dissembler, which Miers most certainly is not, or a natural follower. And natural followers do not belong on the Supreme Court of the United States.' --Former Bush speechwriter David Frum this morning on his blog, before he retracted the comments.

60 years old, never been wed or a judge and she says Bush is the most brilliant man she has ever met.

Unless she has been kept in a locked room for most of her adult life, I would submit that her judgement, RE: brilliant, seems to be a tad disfunctional. Never a judge so no track record, closet (gasp) liberal, perhaps? Never been married, closet lesbian (double gasp), perhaps? I suspect Preznit Morebetter has managed to piss off his base on this one. Time will tell.

Reserve judgement, sit back and observe the wheels continuing to fall off the GOP wagon."