Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Karl Rove.

GratisNet: "What can be said about the growing storm over Karl Rove and his role in outing Valerie Plame in retaliation for Ambassador Joseph Wilson's scathing report regarding the then lie du jour, yellow cake uranium, that hasn't been said before?

Is there any surprise that the right wing are spinning this thing so furiously that some of their 'explanations' are comical? A case in point from the FIDOnet amateur network:

FidoNet Echomail Archive - politics

From: TIM R---------
To: ED C------
Date: 2005-07-11 17:40:00
Subject: Re: Valerie Plame

On 07-11-05, ED C------ said to TIM R---------:

EC>Hey, TIM.

TR> Another possibility I've yet to see put forth:

TR> It also could have been her husband, Wilson. And trying to sneak the blame on someone close to the president is his revenge for being sidelined, and then quietly eased out the door, when the new Bush administration came into office.

EC>The really interesting thing here that none of the main-stream media is talking about - that I've heard - is that this former ambassador was sent to investigate things in Africa, not by the president, not by the head of the CIA, but by his wife. [g]

If that true........who paid his air fare, his expenses and any salary or compensation he might have recieved for his time? And what was the purpose of his trip and its result?

I don't understand how some low level CIA employee could be `sending' anyone anywhere. Now `there's' something for a Senate investigation!

There you have it, there should be an investigation alright but it should be to find out who paid for and authorized Ambassador Wilson's trip! The fact that an undercover 'operative' was outed seems not to matter to these people, but rather the fact that Wilson's report put the lie to administration claims regarding Saddam and yellow cake uranium, is an attack on their dear leader, George W. Bush (aka The Lyin' King), the worst president, ever.

When will the media and the great majority of the people finally wake up to the fact that this group currently holding the levers of power in America will stop at nothing when it comes to stopping dissent and keeping their hold on power, nothing. No lie too bold, no treason too much, no subversion of the Bill of Rights too severe as long as it further consolidates their control over America.

I am constantly amazed at the gyrations these supporters of the fascists who would destroy America must go through to maintain their allegiance. Although in fairness to the language, their actions are more in keeping with the old definition of fealty rather than allegiance, for they seem to defend their leader much as serfs were required by the feudal obligation where the tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to their lord.

I know it is considered bad form to compare this behavior to that exhibited by the supporters of Adolph Hitler or Benito Mussolini back in the 1930s but watch the old newsreels, read the old newspaper accounts, finally, read Berlin Diary by William Shirer. Earlier today I read a bit that stated America today is not like the Germany of 1938 but rather the Germany of 1930. I do not agree for I have maintained that America stands today at a crossroad, much as the Germany of 1933 stood at a crossroad, a crossroad that in one direction leads to the restoration of the America admired by its citizens and the world, and the other direction that leads to dictatorship, destruction of liberties and ruin of America by those who would be the lords of destruction. History teaches us of the path taken by Germany in the 1930s and the terrible price that was paid, by the civilized world, for that choice. One can only imagine the cost in national honor, national treasure and lives lost, the world over if America goes down the that path today."


Jeff Huber said...

As recently as a year ago, I probably would have found this post overblown.

Today, I tend to agree with you.

Jeff Huber

Bob Sakowski said...

Jeff, the radical right now in control of the Republican Party has always placed party loyalty over everything.

As an independent I voted for Barry Goldwater in 1964, I also noted that I did not ascribe to his, "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." comment and then was subjected to scorn as not being a true believer.

At that time I knew that extremism in defense of anything is totally wrong and the willy-nilly pursuit of justice was no better than that of a lynch mob that lets emotion cloud their mind.

I fear for our great nation, not so much for me for I shall be gone before too many more years, but my children are thirty somethings and they deserve to have the same America that I experienced at their age.

I am just an "old" man who has had enough of these unamerican extremists.