Thursday, June 30, 2005

Can you say KGB?

GratisNet: "From CNN:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Wednesday directed the creation of a new National Security Service within the FBI, one of 70 recommendations on improving the intelligence community he endorsed from the White House WMD commission.

The new service will specialize in intelligence and other national security matters and follow the priorities laid out by Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte.

The full story can be found at: NSS

Good God, John Negroponte, the scourge of Central America. What a choice for our version of the KGB or the STAZI, or the GESTAPO. So now we are going to coordinate spying on Americans with spying on those in other countries. Can you say, 'You have relatives in Germany?'

America needs to wake up soon because soon it will be too late."

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Republican wingnut logic.

GratisNet: "'We're fighting terrorists in Iraq so that we don't have to fight them here.' Consider, if you will, the moral bankruptcy of that argument.

You and your next door neighbor have a dispute so you decide to fight him... across the street, at another neighbors house. Where is the logic or the right to trash the house of the neighbor who has nothing to do with the fight in the first place? Remember, Iraq had nothing, nada, zip to do with 911, period. Posturing by Bush and his ethically and morally challenged supporters does not change that simple fact.

Bush and the republicans who support him have done more damage to America than any terrorist could do in his wildest dreams."

George W. Bush, PHD (Piles it higher and deeper)

GratisNet: "My take on Bush's effort last night? In a word, bullshit. Once again the sorry bastard tries to cloak himself in the bravery of our military. He tries to give the impression that he cares about them but his deeds, especially those shortchanging the VA, speak louder than his words.

George W. Bush, the worst president ever. Of course that could well have been expected from one whose only accomplishment in life seems to have been to squander other peoples money and drive companies into disaster. That may have been acceptable then but now he is squandering the wealth of America, the young men and women of America, indeed the very future of America and that my friends is unacceptable."

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Have they no shame?

GratisNet: "At long last, have they no shame? Karl Rove denigrates liberals/progressives in general and democrats in particular by calling them unpatriotic and not willing to defend America. This is rich considering the numbers of democrats and/or liberals who have served with distinction in defense of our country as opposed to the conspicuous lack of service from most of the conservative republican crowd, including Rove himself.

Tom DeLay, acting like he had a few drinks too many, adds to the insult. Who does he think he is to call into question the patriotism and devotion to the principles that America has stood for since its inception? What are his bonafides, from whence does his standing come to utter such disgraceful trash? Surely his own record of non-service when it was his time to take his place in the armed forces clearly makes his comments laughable were it not for the many men and women defamed by his words. This is the man, remember, who tried to serve during the Vietnam War but couldn't because all of the slots were taken by minorities and the poor. It truly boggles the mind.

I read that save for an odd republican, here and there, the overwhelming majority of that delusional, self serving and self centered party are in support of Bush and his regime of incompetents. Still, the fact that independents now overwhelmingly disapprove of this maladministration and the disaster it has brought upon America, some 75%, is cause for some small encouragement.

Still, the people are beginning to recognize Bush and his gang for what they are, incompetent fools who cannot admit mistakes.. The people understand that there is a name for the mental condition of those who continue to behave in a manner that brings disastrous results, expecting that those results will change. How long will it take before republicans remove the blinders of partisanship and recognize the disaster that is George W. Bush?"

Monday, June 13, 2005

Bring the troops home from Iraq

GratisNet: "It is past time to end our illegitimate occupation of Iraq and bring our armed forces home. I hear the question, but how can we do it, how? The answer to this question harks back to the war in Vietnam, bring them home by plane, by ships, by any means necessary but get them home. Not one more life for Bush's War.

With that I shall be on hiatus for a couple of weeks, one of the nice things about being retired. We are off to visit family and friends in AL, MS & TX."

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Popular president.

GratisNet: "After the latest polls regarding the stewardship of Commander Codpiece, can it be too much to ask that the SCLM please stop referring to the unmitigated disaster that is the Crawford Coward as 'popular?' The number of people who think that he is doing a good job, in any category diminishes daily, yet the SCLM keeps up the fiction of his popularity.

Bush the Lesser has squandered the goodwill built by America since WW2 with the hubris, willful ignorance and outright lies of his illegitimate regime. He has squandered our resources with his massive tax cuts to the very wealthy, in the midst of increasing spending on ill-advised weapons systems (Star Wars, etc.). He has squandered, and continues to squander, our national treasure, our young men and women, in a war undertaken on lies and deception, a war that even now threatens to break the army as well as the National Guard and reserve systems that have served America so well for so many years.

He has made a lie of the great American morality, the ethical stand that we are different, that we respect the rights of others and that we believe in the idea that people are deserving of a presumption of innocence. He has even made a mockery of that without which the constitution itself would have never been born, the Bill of Rights. Worse, the Republican party has gone along with his malfeasance because he is 'on their team' and as such must be supported regardless of the irresponsibility of his actions. Party before country seems to be the guiding tenet of the republican of today. Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, Everett Dirksen, etc., to say nothing of the Founders themselves, would be profoundly disturbed by such a philosophy.

At last it seems that the American people are once again ready to give validity to the statement by the greatest republican president, Abraham Lincoln that, 'You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time.' Even those supporters in the 'Red' states, who voted for Bush because he was a 'regular' guy and a Christian are beginning to see that 'regular guys' and certainly Christians would not do the things he seems hell bent on doing. They seem to have come to the realization that perhaps Jesus really would not forsake the needy and infirm, nor would he advocate going to war for any reason let alone one based on falsehood and deception. The great American people are turning, they are turning to the truth that this man and his illegitimate regime do not have the best interests of America, its principles or its people uppermost in mind. The people are coming to realize that, as the Flim Flam Man wreaked deception and fraud upon the villages he visited, George W. Bush is taking a wrecking ball to America and the American ideals of decency and fair play."

Thursday, June 09, 2005

What he said.

GratisNet: "Please go to Obsidian Wings for a very astute commentary on the America of today. If this doesn't make your heart ache for what is happening to our country then perhaps we are lost."

Howard Dean, Democrats, Republicans & the media.

GratisNet: "Dean's comments regarding the long lines to vote in Ohio working class precincts as to the up to eight hour wait to vote, 'Well, Republicans, I guess, can do that because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives,' set off a firestorm of comment from the beltway democrats, republicans and the SCLM.

In the case of the SCLM it is perfectly understandable that they unload on Dean, remember the 'primal scream' nonsense? The SCLM will always trumpet the words of a democrat, thereby aiding the great wurlitzer on the right, while ignoring most ill-advised comments on the right such as the recent democrats=NAZI comments of republican Senator 'Man on dog, cartpetbagger' Rick Santorum of Virgini... uh, Pennsylvania. Virtually no outrageous comment by republicans seem to make their way into the SCLM at all, let alone with scathing commentary of the opinion molders of the SCLM.

Beltway dems are quick to distance themselves from the remarks of Dean, not because they are false (they have more truth in them than most political remarks) but because after having lived inside the beltway for so long, they have lost touch with the feelings and thoughts of the rank and file out here in the country, real people who feel much the same as Dr. Dean. These so called beltway democrats are nothing more than 'Republican Lite' professional politicians who have long lost touch with their democratic roots.

The response from republicans is another story and reminds me of nothing more than the confirmation of their continuing hypocrisy and the fact that they are concerned because Dr. Dean nailed them for what they are, selfish, uncaring, 'I've got mine and the hell with you' individuals who care more for themselves than they do the welfare of the towns, cities and states in which they live or even, indeed, America. They are squealing like stuck pigs because Dr. Dean was on the money in his comments and they display the 'victimhood' traits that they like to apply to others. The louder they squeal, the more accurate the remarks, take it to the bank."

Friday, June 03, 2005

Military misses mark.

GratisNet: "Seems the latest enlistment/reenlistment numbers are so bad that the military will wait another week to release them. They are taking the extra time in order to get their story straight as to what the numbers mean and why they've taken such a nose dive.

May I be so bold as to offer my analysis? Can anyone possibly be so stupid as not understand the reason for tanking enlistments/reenlistments? Can they not bring themselves to say, 'dramatic increases in suicide bombs and insurgent attacks in Iraq', or, 'increasing stories of multiple deployments, stop loss orders' and 'the administrations lack of support for the veterans who have returned wounded and horribly maimed as a result of their service in Iraq?' Can they not bring themselves to understand that parents who truly love and care for their offspring will not suggest they sign up for military service as long as the meat grinder known as Iraq continues to devour our soldiers?

It has always been a mystery to me why the military supports the coward Bush when he and his gang of thugs demonstrate their contempt for them with every cut of benefits for the families of those deployed as well as reducing funding for the VA. Simply amazing.

I would bet real money that the numbers for the National Guard and Reserves will make those of the Regular Army, etc. look positively successful. Bush and his fascist, cowardly thugs will have broken the army over the obsession with Iraq and obscene dreams of an American 'empire.'

I am reminded of General Maxwell Taylor's oft repeated remark about the Vietnam War, 'Although the Army had been sent to Vietnam to save that nation, it had to be withdrawn in order to save the Army' and I have a feeling of deja vu regarding the debacle in Iraq."

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Truth and the wingnut.

GratisNet: "Right wing republicans present many contradictions but perhaps none so striking as their positions on the NEWSWEEK 'scandal' and the Downing Street Memo which details the length to which the current regime would go to make the facts support their goal of going to war on Iraq.

There is an old, amateur network (all but extinct in the US since the advent of the internets) where people can chat (not in real time) about many subjects, politics being but one of them. The wingnut faction in these forums have displayed outrage that NEWSWEEK would print anything from an anonymous source. They have taken great pleasure that NEWSWEEK 'confessed' to having lied. Seems they take their cue from that icon of balanced, independent journalism, FOX News.

When reminded that what actually happened was that the source couldn't be sure whether he was quoting from military memos or from documents of other government agencies, such as the FBI and that he was not recanting the actions he had described, the wingnuts break out with great puffs of indignation and like latter day followers of Joe McCarthy. When reminded of the Downing Street Memo that shows their hero to be a liar, they break out with great puffs of indignation once again, accusing anyone who would dare to criticise the abomination known as the Bush regime as being unamerican.

That is what has become of discourse with these ethically deprived miscreants on the right. They are so devoid of honor and ignorant of history that they cannot see that which is plain to anyone with eyes. What has become painfully apparent, at least to me, is that moderate republicans (the elected variety) have become too frightened to go against the tide of intolerance that seems to be the model for the republican party, as provided by the extremists on the right.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon everyone who would wish to save our republic from these fascist wannabes, that come 2006 it is imperative that we work for the election of anyone who would stand up for America. Vote for the Democrat, Green, Independent or Republican candidate as long as they stand for America and against this lawless, criminal regime. Send the toadies and sycophants on the right a message, tell them this is America, it is not the Germany, Italy or Japan of the 1930s. If we all work together we can take our country back from those who would subvert the Constitution."