Monday, August 27, 2007

Getting rid of the garbage.

Gonzales resigns. Good riddance to bad, very bad, rubbish.

Now the dems need to seriously work at removing the remaining fetid trash of this filthy administration.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Neutralizing hate.

"The terrorists hate us for our freedom." -- George W. Bush.

That would certainly explain the assault on amendments 1, 4 & 6 by this, the most vile administration in the history of our nation. They are merely trying to eliminate that which the terrorists hate about us.

Ok, that was a joke. A tasteless joke but a joke nonetheless. The fact remains that we have the most lawless administration in the history of our nation with the presidency taking on the mantle of an emperor, choosing which laws to obey and which to ignore, all in the name of "protecting" us from terrorists.

The Attorney General, testifying before the congress, engages in a course of serial perjury and the congress does little more than wring their hands and issue meaningless warnings, which is bad enough but that is not the worst of the existing situation. To republicans, lying under oath is only very bad when lying about a consensual sex act between adults, while lying under oath, about the facts regarding the politicizing of the Justice Department is not a big deal.

The President decides that regardless of the laws enacted by the congress in accordance with the Constitution, he and he alone will decide which to follow and which to ignore. While a president failing to act IAW the law is a grave and present danger if that president happens to be a democrat, republicans of today do not feel that it is that big a deal if the president in question is a republican.

The congress, republicans and democrats alike, had best finally awaken to the grave danger their inaction and, at times, acquiesence in the face of the unamerican power grab and throttling of of the Bill of Rights by this administration of cowards and fools.

I fear we have come to a momentous fork in the road on the path to our future as a nation. One way leads to a renewed respect for the nation handed down to us by The Founders, with the liberty of the people restored by the healthy application of the checks and balances they put in place with the Constitution. The other path leads to the destruction of their dream of freedom for the people and of the shining light they created called The United States of America.

The terrorists don't hate us for our freedom. The terrorists don't hate us, the people. The terrorists hate George W. Bush and his band of neocon imperialists for what they have done, and continue to do, to their homelands.

Somewhere The Founders are surely weeping at what has become of their great experiment.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


An email I sent to Pelosi and Reid this morning.

May I tell you how disappointed I am with you and the rest of the democrats for allowing the deranged cretin in the White House even more latitude in violating our civil liberties? Suffice it to say that as of today, I no longer consider myself a democrat and will change my registration to Independent at my first opportunity.

You, and the rest of the democrats, are enablers of the first order and when our republic is destroyed by the psychopath at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, it will be you and your cohorts who will have made it possible.