Friday, July 01, 2005

Impeachment? Dream on.

GratisNet: "The latest Zogby poll shows that some 42% of Americans would support impeachment of George W. Bush and other members of his administration if it were conclusively proved that he lied in order to get his war on Iraq.

If it were conclusively proved? After the Downing Street Memo and others, can there be any doubt as to the deceit and bold faced lies used to bring about the war on Iraq? To any reasonable and honest person there can be no question that they lied their way into this war but the Republican Party today is not lead by reasonable or honest people and it is they who control both houses of congress. They will never, repeat never, institute any investigative proceedings whatsoever against Bush and his regime, for in truth they consider themselves an integral part of that regime.

I have noted on many occasions that it will require moderate republicans to recognize what has happened to their party and is in the process of happening to our system of government and act accordingly. Time grows short, the sun is rapidly setting upon the American republic much as it did on the Weimar Republic in 1933. The time to stop this assault upon the America of our forefathers is now for soon it will be too late, America will suffer the equivalent of the Enabling Act of March 23, 1933 and the light of liberty will have been put out.

Impeachment? Dream on."

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