Friday, July 29, 2005

Bolton... again.

From CNN
"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush may use a recess appointment early next week to install John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations, two senior administration officials told CNN Thursday...

'If the Senate fails to act and move forward on those nominees,' McClellan said, 'then sometimes there comes a point where the president has needed to fill that in a timely manner by recessing those nominees.''
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- John Bolton, President Bush's nominee for U.N. ambassador, mistakenly told Congress he had not been interviewed or testified in any investigation over the past five years, the State Department said Thursday..."

Bolton was "mistaken" he "forgot" that he was questioned, by the State Department, in the Plamegate leak investigation. I'm sure he was. If his memory is so faulty that he cannot remember being questioned regarding the hottest issue in Washington, Plamegate perhaps that is prima facie evidence that he lacks the requisite brain power to be flipping hamburgers at MacDonald's much less Ambassador to the United Nations.

Of course he could, as is the style of members of this maladministration, be lying his ass off which would make his false testimony to the questions put forth by the State Department as a felony, again disqualifying him from holding a job as janitor let alone ambassador.

This is, without question, the most corrupt maladministration in our nation's (and possibly the world's) history.


Jeff Huber said...


I think you're the one who said it first: these guys make the Grant administration look squeaky clean.


Bob Sakowski said...

I have held that US Grant, wherever his spirit may be, has finally got the onus of most corrupt lifted from his administrations.

Bush and his thugs take second place to no one.

Jeff Huber said...


If Bolton's UN Ambassador, does that give him diplomatic immunity from prosecution in the Plame case?

Bob Sakowski said...

No doubt he will try to claim it.