Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day 2008

It has been said that a veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America, for an amount up to and including their life.

To all those who have written that check, thank you for your service!

Bob Sakowski, USAF 10/07/1959-12/16/1966

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Election 2008.

Being a poll worker here in Orlando, I must vote absentee. This weekend I completed my ballot and shall return it to the Board of Elections tomorrow afternoon as I must be there to attend a pre-election training session.

Suffice it to say that my selections reflected my disgust with incumbents.

As for the Presidential selection, I am so unimpressed with either McCain or Obama that I seriously considered voting for, shudder, Bob Barr. Being fearful of a global calamity were I to vote for Barr, considering my long held opposition to his politics, I made another choice.

The choice I made will likely disappoint if elected but I made it so the hell with it!

For whom did I vote? Really, now, it is called a secret ballot for a reason.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Pelosi says Bush a total failure.

Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, meet pot.

While I am most assuredly no fan of The Boy King, for Pelosi to call him on his competence is somewhat amusing, for has there ever been a Speaker as incompetent as Pelosi?

The woman has set the progress of women, and the nation, back decades with her abject failure as Speaker.

The time has come to clean house, indeed, and one can only hope that the voters in her California district realize just how much of a joke and a drag on the party Pelosi has become.

She is matched in her incompetence by that doddering fool in the Senate, Harry Reid.

Has there ever been such a Dunderheaded Dynamic Duo in the leadership positions of the congress in the history of the republic?

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hillary's speech.

Hillary makes a gracious concession speech promissing to support Obama.

Obama supporters continue to bash her in every way. They are as vile and filthy in their comments as were the nutjobs on the republican right in their diatribes of the 1990s.

Perhaps the reason is that they know she was, by far, the most qualified person running for the office. She was light years ahead of the "Dope with hope", America's first Affirmative Action presidential nominee.

Howard Dean and the DNC have gone a long way to splintering the Democratic Party.

My reply to an email asking for contributions:

"Come together? After you and the DNC tried to kneecap Sen. Clinton at every turn, you have the unmitigated gall to ask for unity. Suffice it to say that your actions and that of the DNC during this primary season have convinced me to leave the Democratic Party and become an independent.

As for the Rules Committee decision last week where the rules were followed except when they needed to be ignored and made up on the fly, it was a disgrace and an affront to everything the Democratic Party has stood for since the days of FDR. All of you who perpetrated that fraud upon the voters of Michigan and Florida should hang your heads in shame. That is presuming, of course, that you have a sense of honor and dignity that would allow you to recognize the shame.

Please remove my name from your mailing lists."

Sunday, June 01, 2008


The DNC Rules Committee decides to enforce the rules by breaking the rules.

Holding sessions and having votes, in secret, is specifically against DNC rules. After all, how was what happened yesterday different from what happened in those "smoke filled rooms" of yore? Neither the DNC or the Michigan party have the right, under the rules, to take away delegates voted by the people. Do I smell a federal civil rights action in this?

Puerto Rico continues the trend of Clinton handing Obama his head on a platter. Could it be because he is seen
by a significant number of democrats (over 50% of those participating in the primaries) as an empty suit? Nah, that cannot be it... those people are racists.

Obama reminds me of George W. Bush, except that Bush is white and when he first ran for president, had more experience (as scant as it was) than Obama. Barry Obama, the black George Bush. Has a ring of truth to it doesn't it?

Big buzz about Michelle Obama caught on video ranting about whitey. Hmmm, she seems to have disappeared the past few days, I wonder why. Maybe she was talking about breakfast cereals, after all Wheaties could be mistaken for whitey.

Yesterday was a sad day for the Democratic party and a good one for President McCain.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Obama is blown out in West Virginia.

Damn those racist West Virginia voters.

Donna Brazille, discussing what to do about FL & MI, insisting that the rules are THE RULES, period. While Howard Wolfson insists that voters are more important than rules.

Brazille will lose that argument every time and so will the democrats if they insist on it. Besides, didn't IA and NH both hold their primaries earlier than the day agreed to by the DNC? Were they penalized?

The likelihood of a repeat blowout in KY is high. Damn those racsist voters!

Of course the 90% of the AA vote going to Obama has nothing to do with race. Yeah, right and the moon really is made out of green cheese.

I love the way the media expects the Clinton supporters to make up and play nice for Obama after having been called six kinds of SOB, and worse, for many months now. Makes one wonder what world they are living in.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Obama gets over 90% of black votes in IN & NC. Obama is a good campaigner.

Hillary gets 63% of the middle/working class white vote in IN & NC. Those whites are racist.

See anything wrong with that picture?

Hillary should quit and end the race.

That makes as much sense as the Giants quitting after the Patriots scored with 2:42 to go in the 4th quarter of the Super bowl. After all, there was no way they were going to go all the way downfield to score, was there?

I am so old that I actually remember when the nominee was decided upon at the convention and not on the first or second vote.

Obama will drag the party down to ignomious defeat much in the manner of McGovern (a war hero and a good and honorable man) did in 1972.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Audacity of Whine, part 2.

Hillary wins in Pennsyvania and Obama and his supporters whine in return. She won because middle class whites are racist, or so they would have you believe. They see no racism in the fact that Obama garnered upwards of 90% of the black vote. Nope, that's just the result of good campaigning.

Is there a problem with Obama getting such high percentages of AA voters? Not at all because every ethnic group votes for their own when the first candidate comes along who has a chance to win the election, any election.

The Irish voted overwhelmingly for their first viable candidate for any office as did the Poles, Jews, Italians, etc.. But there is a problem with the Obama camp explaining their loss as a result of racism.

Obama lost because he comes across as a man who talks out of both sides of his mouth. He came across as weak in the debate. Mostly, though, he and his followers come across as rude, crude and totally lacking in class, as his repeated stealth one finger salute when mentioning Hillary on the stump. One expects such foolishness from a child but a grown man?

Should Hillary win in Indiana, regardless of the margin, West Virginia and Kentucky it will send a message that Obama has a problem "closing the deal" regardless of the outcome in North Carolina. Everyone needs to remember why the democrats invented super delegates in the first place. Hint: It wasn't to act as rubber stamps at the convention.

I and others have made a comparison between Obama in 2008 and McGovern in 1972. Such a comparison does not equate Obama with McGovern for George McGovern was a bona fide war hero and seasoned politician without any hint of scandal. Obama cannot claim the same. The comparison is made based on what I believe will happen should Obama be the nominee of the Democratic Party, as in 1972, 2008 will be a blowout of historic proportions with democrats once again finding themselves on the short end, the very short end, of the electoral count.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Big win for Obama?

GratisNet: "Wyoming caucuses deliver a big win for Obama. Or so the media and Obama spin miesters are saying this morning.

Let's examine the results, shall we? We have been told that the caucuses had 'record turnouts' and the facilities where they took place were not up to the task. First, Wyoming has some 59,000 registered democrats. Second, total turnout was 8,755 democrats.

Simple math tells us that total turnout was 14.8% of registered democrats. Now 14.8% may very well be a record turnout for Wyoming but 14.8% is in no way, shape or form a turnout to be proud of.

Oh yes, Obama's 5,378 votes represent 9.1% of registered democrats. Given the perspective of a reality based environment in Wyoming, the media reasoning behind the hoopla over the win seems a bit unfathomable."

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Audacity of Whine.

Hillary pulls off the wins she had to have and Obama and his supporters whine in return. That, and spin the loss so hard that they could be mistaken for a child's top.

All the controversy over delegate counts. Have you ever seen a God awful mess as the democrats have for their nominating process? I have a simple suggestion.

It takes electoral votes to win a presidential election, so why not have the number of each states delegates equal the number of electoral votes it is entitled to? Then, at any given time, a logical baseline would be available to check on the strength of the leader. Oh yes, winner take all rather than allocating delegates, which will avoid the current ridiculous scenario.

Each states delegates could be a multiple of their electoral votes so that as many party faithful as required can go to the convention.

I do not think that Obama is ready for the big time, witness his unease with the legitimate questions regarding Rezco, his Senate record, et al. If he cannot handle the tactics used by the Clinton campaign, what the hell is he going to do in the General Election?

At the risk of being called racist by Obamabots, McCain and the republicans will beat him like a rented mule.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Politics of Hope?

From Yahoo News:

CHICAGO - Sen. Barack Obama predicted Wednesday that Republicans will
have a dump truck full of dirt to unload on Hillary Rodham Clinton if
the former first lady wins the Democratic presidential nomination,
and said he offers the party its best hope of winning the White House
this fall...

I suspect that the republicans are already drooling at the prospect of an Obama candidacy and not only from the racist viewpoint.

The man has no experience but he has, with this comment, proven that his "Audacity of Hope" should have been entitled, "The Audacity of Hype."

It goes without saying that the republicans will run a filthy campaign against whomever is the democratic nominee.

After eight years in the White House with Bill plus her time in the Senate, Hillary has shown that she can play hardball. On the other hand, even the most superficial criticism has Obama crying foul. Could it be that the image he has taken great pains to create is somewhat less than truthful? What skeletons lie in his closet?

The republicans will be sure to let us all know should he become the nominee.

Hillary does not excite me, John Edwards was my choice, but she stands head and shoulders over Obama whose main talent seems to be delivering speeches written by someone else.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


With Hillary's New Hampshire win in the face of polls suggesting that she would be thumped and John Edwards' respectable showing comes the realization that the race for the democratic nomination is still very much up for grabs.

What can be seen is that Obama and Hillary are suddenly picking up the populist bent which keeps Edwards close to them in the quest for the prize.

What then to attribute the stunning result? How about the fact that when she showed a bit of her human side the day before when she succumbed, just a bit, to the stress caused by the pace of the campaign the major media all jumped on her as if she were an axe murderer?

She cannot win for losing with the clowns and talking heads that make up the media. When she displays no emotion they fault her for being uncaring yet when she slips and shows a bit of her human side they fault her for being weak, faking it or both.

In any event the real story of Iowa and New Hampshire, to my mind, has been the number of voters participating in the primaries. Turnout has been spectacular, which is a good thing and the fact that democrats are turning out in numbers roughly doubling that of republicans should tell us something.

To my mind, the disparity is a sign that independents have had enough of the disaster that is the Bush presidency and if the trend continues through to November, it will likely mean a democrat in the White House but more importantly, it will also likely mean a congressional sweep that will make 2006 look like small potatoes.

So hold on to your hats and hang on tight for this thing isn't over yet and for the first time in a long, long time we may have a convention where neither candidate has the votes required for the nomination.

That would not be a bad thing.