Thursday, June 02, 2005

Truth and the wingnut.

GratisNet: "Right wing republicans present many contradictions but perhaps none so striking as their positions on the NEWSWEEK 'scandal' and the Downing Street Memo which details the length to which the current regime would go to make the facts support their goal of going to war on Iraq.

There is an old, amateur network (all but extinct in the US since the advent of the internets) where people can chat (not in real time) about many subjects, politics being but one of them. The wingnut faction in these forums have displayed outrage that NEWSWEEK would print anything from an anonymous source. They have taken great pleasure that NEWSWEEK 'confessed' to having lied. Seems they take their cue from that icon of balanced, independent journalism, FOX News.

When reminded that what actually happened was that the source couldn't be sure whether he was quoting from military memos or from documents of other government agencies, such as the FBI and that he was not recanting the actions he had described, the wingnuts break out with great puffs of indignation and like latter day followers of Joe McCarthy. When reminded of the Downing Street Memo that shows their hero to be a liar, they break out with great puffs of indignation once again, accusing anyone who would dare to criticise the abomination known as the Bush regime as being unamerican.

That is what has become of discourse with these ethically deprived miscreants on the right. They are so devoid of honor and ignorant of history that they cannot see that which is plain to anyone with eyes. What has become painfully apparent, at least to me, is that moderate republicans (the elected variety) have become too frightened to go against the tide of intolerance that seems to be the model for the republican party, as provided by the extremists on the right.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon everyone who would wish to save our republic from these fascist wannabes, that come 2006 it is imperative that we work for the election of anyone who would stand up for America. Vote for the Democrat, Green, Independent or Republican candidate as long as they stand for America and against this lawless, criminal regime. Send the toadies and sycophants on the right a message, tell them this is America, it is not the Germany, Italy or Japan of the 1930s. If we all work together we can take our country back from those who would subvert the Constitution."

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