Sunday, June 12, 2005

Popular president.

GratisNet: "After the latest polls regarding the stewardship of Commander Codpiece, can it be too much to ask that the SCLM please stop referring to the unmitigated disaster that is the Crawford Coward as 'popular?' The number of people who think that he is doing a good job, in any category diminishes daily, yet the SCLM keeps up the fiction of his popularity.

Bush the Lesser has squandered the goodwill built by America since WW2 with the hubris, willful ignorance and outright lies of his illegitimate regime. He has squandered our resources with his massive tax cuts to the very wealthy, in the midst of increasing spending on ill-advised weapons systems (Star Wars, etc.). He has squandered, and continues to squander, our national treasure, our young men and women, in a war undertaken on lies and deception, a war that even now threatens to break the army as well as the National Guard and reserve systems that have served America so well for so many years.

He has made a lie of the great American morality, the ethical stand that we are different, that we respect the rights of others and that we believe in the idea that people are deserving of a presumption of innocence. He has even made a mockery of that without which the constitution itself would have never been born, the Bill of Rights. Worse, the Republican party has gone along with his malfeasance because he is 'on their team' and as such must be supported regardless of the irresponsibility of his actions. Party before country seems to be the guiding tenet of the republican of today. Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, Everett Dirksen, etc., to say nothing of the Founders themselves, would be profoundly disturbed by such a philosophy.

At last it seems that the American people are once again ready to give validity to the statement by the greatest republican president, Abraham Lincoln that, 'You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time.' Even those supporters in the 'Red' states, who voted for Bush because he was a 'regular' guy and a Christian are beginning to see that 'regular guys' and certainly Christians would not do the things he seems hell bent on doing. They seem to have come to the realization that perhaps Jesus really would not forsake the needy and infirm, nor would he advocate going to war for any reason let alone one based on falsehood and deception. The great American people are turning, they are turning to the truth that this man and his illegitimate regime do not have the best interests of America, its principles or its people uppermost in mind. The people are coming to realize that, as the Flim Flam Man wreaked deception and fraud upon the villages he visited, George W. Bush is taking a wrecking ball to America and the American ideals of decency and fair play."

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