Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Have they no shame?

GratisNet: "At long last, have they no shame? Karl Rove denigrates liberals/progressives in general and democrats in particular by calling them unpatriotic and not willing to defend America. This is rich considering the numbers of democrats and/or liberals who have served with distinction in defense of our country as opposed to the conspicuous lack of service from most of the conservative republican crowd, including Rove himself.

Tom DeLay, acting like he had a few drinks too many, adds to the insult. Who does he think he is to call into question the patriotism and devotion to the principles that America has stood for since its inception? What are his bonafides, from whence does his standing come to utter such disgraceful trash? Surely his own record of non-service when it was his time to take his place in the armed forces clearly makes his comments laughable were it not for the many men and women defamed by his words. This is the man, remember, who tried to serve during the Vietnam War but couldn't because all of the slots were taken by minorities and the poor. It truly boggles the mind.

I read that save for an odd republican, here and there, the overwhelming majority of that delusional, self serving and self centered party are in support of Bush and his regime of incompetents. Still, the fact that independents now overwhelmingly disapprove of this maladministration and the disaster it has brought upon America, some 75%, is cause for some small encouragement.

Still, the people are beginning to recognize Bush and his gang for what they are, incompetent fools who cannot admit mistakes.. The people understand that there is a name for the mental condition of those who continue to behave in a manner that brings disastrous results, expecting that those results will change. How long will it take before republicans remove the blinders of partisanship and recognize the disaster that is George W. Bush?"

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