Thursday, June 30, 2005

Can you say KGB?

GratisNet: "From CNN:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Wednesday directed the creation of a new National Security Service within the FBI, one of 70 recommendations on improving the intelligence community he endorsed from the White House WMD commission.

The new service will specialize in intelligence and other national security matters and follow the priorities laid out by Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte.

The full story can be found at: NSS

Good God, John Negroponte, the scourge of Central America. What a choice for our version of the KGB or the STAZI, or the GESTAPO. So now we are going to coordinate spying on Americans with spying on those in other countries. Can you say, 'You have relatives in Germany?'

America needs to wake up soon because soon it will be too late."

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