Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Wednesday Wandering

GratisNet: "Word out of Austin: The Grand Jury there looking into campaign funding violations has added conspiracy to their list of targets. Tom DeLay could well be indicted within a day or two. While such an outcome would certainly be a most just dessert for DeLay, prudence dictates a wait and see attitude.

Coming out of DC: Senator Frist does a Nixonesque, 'I am not a crook' song and dance. With both the SEC and DOJ looking into his not-so-blind trust and apparent insider trading his days are apparently numbered. Look for him to execute the 'Trent Lott Maneuver' fairly soon. This will result in the senate republican caucus becoming somewhat contentious, to say the least. Again, I would recommend a wait and see attitude.

Out of DC: Mike Brown, testifying before the congress, blames everyone at the local & state level for the disaster that was NOLA in the aftermath of Katrina. He says he was expected to be a 'Superhero' and solve all the problems. I guess that along with being incompetent in managing Arabian Horses, and padding his resume with imaginary positions of authority back in Okieland, he is also delusional to the point of requiring institutional treatment.

BULLETIN: DeLay indicted! He has agreed to step down as House Majority Leader, temporarily of course. It will be most interesting to watch the spin from republicans. I can see it now, 'This indictment is the result of a political witch hunt', 'A grand jury would indict a ham sandwich if the prosecutor wanted them to.' Problem whith that is the word out of Austin that it was the grand jury that wanted to add the conspiracy investigation. It was they, citizens who were obviously fed up with the corrupt dealing of Tom DeLay, who wanted to consider the evidence. They considered and they indicted, now hopefully in due time another group of citizens sitting in judgement at trial will convict, if the evidence warrants, and make an example of Tom DeLay, a politician who took corruption to whole new levels.

Out of the Middle East: Karen Hughes discovering that she is in over her head as she continues her 'Democracy 2005' Tour. In Saudi Arabia she was rebuffed by a group of young women who, in effect, advised her to learn something of the culture before trying to play the Pied Piper regarding democracy.

And so it goes. How is YOUR day shaping up?"

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