Thursday, February 03, 2005

State of the Union

GratisNet: "Has there ever been such innuendo, half truths and outright lies given in an SOTU? Not in my 64 years do I remember such a load of bovine excrement put before the American people.

These people have no shame. These people have no honor. These people have no ethics. The childish nonsense with the purple fingertips is a prime example of the form over substance problem in the Republican party. They no more have the interest of America and Americans at heart then does Osama bin Forgotten.

As for the privatizat... uh, personaliza... uh, 'reform' of the highly successful and solvent Social Security system, remember the term 'benefit offset' for it is an integral part of the Bush plan to kill the most successful program to protect seniors in the nations history. Simply put, any funds in your (pick one) personal or private account at the time of retirement that are in excess of the amount you are slated to receive during said retirement, shall be returned to the government. Cute, huh? Is it any wonder why the accomplished liar did not mention it last night?

From the Washington Post:

Even more curiously, a 'senior administration official' who briefed reporters on the Social Security proposal earlier today disclosed details of the White House plan that I don't think will play well in Peoria. Most significantly, this official revealed that most or all of the earnings from new 'personal' or privatized accounts will be paid not to the holder of the account, but to the government. The senior official called this a 'benefit offset.' It's one way to finance the creation of these private accounts, but it's going to cause quite a political stir, I think.

''s going to cause quite a political stir, I think.' Duh! ya think? Does their balloon ever land? Do these people ever engage their brains when dreaming up the schemes to defraud the people? You can be sure of two things regarding the 'reform' of Social Security: 1. Their 'reform' is not reform as it is defined in Webster's. 2. There will be no security in Social Security when they finish with it.

The Liar in Chief mentioned FDR last night. I have news for the Lyin' King, as a child, I remember FDR and he most assuredly isn't him! In fact he couldn't carry the soiled underwear of that great president."

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