Thursday, February 17, 2005

Be on the alert

GratisNet: "Now is the time to be on the alert for other manifestations of the unamerican agenda of the Bush regime. While the proposed destruction of Social Security is being fought tooth and nail, it would behoove everyone not to forget that the attack on Social Security could well be a feint by Bush to keep the opposition engaged while ramming through the rest of his objectionable ideas.

Increased drilling in the ANWAR is one such idea. It matters not that even the most optimistic estimates for the reserves to be found there equate to less than a year of national consumption. It matters not that the damage to the environment, both flora and fauna will be extensive and, in fact has already been extensive in those areas of the arctic that have been exploited over the past 30 years. No, all that matters is that Bush repay his supporters in the oil bidness.

Updating, a quaint turn of a word, the Patriot Act to extend the duration and power of the regime to spy on its citizens, citizens who have done nothing, except perhaps engage in our constitutionally, and God given right of, dissent in opposing the unamerican activities of this increasingly despotic regime.

Introducing National Drivers License/ID legislation to make it stunningly easy to keep track of citizens. Perhaps this legislation is a precursor to an Internal Passport similar to that used by the former USSR to control their citizens. There already is more than adequate cooperation among the states regarding Drivers Licenses/IDs for wasn't that the object behind the reciprocal agreements made between the states, agreements to make their information available to one another upon showing adequate cause? There are those who would say that given the extent of the states cooperation, what would be the harm in a national system when we defacto have one now? The harm is quite simply this, under the current system it requires any number of state organizations to pass on requests for data, under the proposed legislation, that power would be given to one agency and as has been demonstrated amply in the past and most especially in the Bush regime, such power would be abused.

Contact your representative and senators to fight these and other intrusions by the Bush regime upon our national treasures, including the most precious of our treaures, our privacy and freedom."

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