Sunday, June 01, 2008


The DNC Rules Committee decides to enforce the rules by breaking the rules.

Holding sessions and having votes, in secret, is specifically against DNC rules. After all, how was what happened yesterday different from what happened in those "smoke filled rooms" of yore? Neither the DNC or the Michigan party have the right, under the rules, to take away delegates voted by the people. Do I smell a federal civil rights action in this?

Puerto Rico continues the trend of Clinton handing Obama his head on a platter. Could it be because he is seen
by a significant number of democrats (over 50% of those participating in the primaries) as an empty suit? Nah, that cannot be it... those people are racists.

Obama reminds me of George W. Bush, except that Bush is white and when he first ran for president, had more experience (as scant as it was) than Obama. Barry Obama, the black George Bush. Has a ring of truth to it doesn't it?

Big buzz about Michelle Obama caught on video ranting about whitey. Hmmm, she seems to have disappeared the past few days, I wonder why. Maybe she was talking about breakfast cereals, after all Wheaties could be mistaken for whitey.

Yesterday was a sad day for the Democratic party and a good one for President McCain.

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