Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Obama is blown out in West Virginia.

Damn those racist West Virginia voters.

Donna Brazille, discussing what to do about FL & MI, insisting that the rules are THE RULES, period. While Howard Wolfson insists that voters are more important than rules.

Brazille will lose that argument every time and so will the democrats if they insist on it. Besides, didn't IA and NH both hold their primaries earlier than the day agreed to by the DNC? Were they penalized?

The likelihood of a repeat blowout in KY is high. Damn those racsist voters!

Of course the 90% of the AA vote going to Obama has nothing to do with race. Yeah, right and the moon really is made out of green cheese.

I love the way the media expects the Clinton supporters to make up and play nice for Obama after having been called six kinds of SOB, and worse, for many months now. Makes one wonder what world they are living in.

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