Sunday, April 29, 2007

The War

The congress will send the Iraq emergency-funding bill, with mandates for withdrawal, to the White House on Tuesday. Bush has said he will veto the bill. Let him, after which put the override to a vote and make the Republicans in the congress go on record as supporting the continuation of the bloodletting debacle in Iraq. When the override effort fails, as it will, enact the same bill and send it down Pennsylvania Avenue Again making much public questioning as to how a Bush veto is "supporting the troops" and who is truly responsible for the war funding emergency. Do this with each veto and sooner rather than later, the veto will be overridden because republicans will not wish to lose their congressional offices in November 2008.

If the republicans do not come around they risk doing to their party what they thought they were doing to the Democrats in 2002 & 2004, IE: driving the party towards extinction.

Bush will never accept the congress telling him "no" on anything, let alone Iraq. He is a spoiled, self centered child who has always gotten his way and when things didn't work out, as they have not his entire life, he could always rely on Poppy or Poppy's friends to come to his rescue and pick up the pieces.

His cousins have said,, that as a child playing games, when Bush found himself at a disadvantage he would change the rules so that he would come out on top. My question is, what changes to the rules (IE: The Constitutional form of government) is he planning now that it becomes increasingly obvious that with each passing day his disadvantage grows by leaps and bounds?

This, then, is the greatest danger to our republic. Not Iraq, not Iran, not Radical Islamists, not a global war on terror, not evens the misnamed Islamo-Fascism. No, the greatest danger to our republic sits in the Oval Office, a mentally unhinged George W. Bush, a man devoid of a sense of honesty, ethics or morality

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