Friday, April 20, 2007


Gonzales prepared two weeks for his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday? Did it really take that long to prepare to answer "I don't recall" over 70 times during the course of the questioning?

It was hard not to feel embarrassed for Alberto, such was his display of forgetfulness. One could imagine that perhaps he was suffering from early onset dementia. What we saw was a living, breathing example of Sgt. Schultz, from the old "Hogan's Heroes" television show of the 60s. "I know NOTHING!"

His performance in and of itself demonstrated that he is not qualified, likely never was qualified to be Attorney General. Had he any sense of decency and ethics he would have announced his recognition on the spot. That he did not speaks volumes to his deficiencies of character.

Only Senator Hatch, in full pucker mode, gave him any respite from the heavy questioning from the members on both sides. Senator Coburn (R-OK) pointedly suggested he resign.

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