Thursday, October 06, 2005

Thursday Thoughts

GratisNet: "Torture was not, is not, nor ever should be, an American tactic. We are supposed to be better than that.

The Geneva Convention regarding prisoners was not enacted in order to protect the prisoners we hold, rather, it was designed to protect OUR combatants in the custody of our adversaries.

With the arrest for espionage of the former Marine who worked in Cheney's office, can we finally dispense with the 'adults in charge' canard?

Can everyone take a deep breath and count to however long it takes for Fitzgerald to do what he is going to do before making any comments? Facts are so much better to discuss than rumors, after all, we are not republicans.

Why hasn't the media covered the fact that only 10% of government funding for the reconstruction on the Gulf Coast and in NOLA has been allocated to local companies? The locals could use the work and the local firms could use the business. They will also do a better job than Cheney's pals at Haliburton for they have a stake in the outcome.

It has been 8 years since the H5N1 flu virus made the jump from bird to human. why has it taken until now for the government to become concerned? Why has the media been so far behind the news regarding the possibility of a pandemic? When will the media note that the current flu vaccines are based on the H1N1 virus and as such has limited or no effectiveness on the H5N1 virus currently expanding in Asia? When will the media report that Tamiflu has not been effective against a strain of H5N1 virus currently on the loose in Vietnam? Are we about to see a replay of 1918 and the so-called Spanish Flu? Why hasn't the media pressed the government for the plan of action, other than Preznit Shallow Thinker's idea of placing areas where it has broken out under effective Martial Law?"

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