Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rumors run rampant.

Rumors abound as to the Fitzgerald GJ.

Sealed indictments already. Indictments next week. Meeting with the judge about extending the term of the GJ, etc., etc., etc..

Everyone take a breath, sit back and enjoy the show.

Best rumor I've heard yet, from the old FIDOnet POLITICS area, which can be read at:

Get ready. Here it is from the most brain dead, rabid wingnuts you can imagine.

"Joe Wilson AND his wife will get indicted for fraud."

So sayeth the man known, in bygone days, as Centurion.

Too funny for words but then it does beg the question, how is it possible for such feeble brains to generate enough power to run their autonomic nervous systems?

Such are the conservatives of today.


Jeff Huber said...

The Plame/Wilson theory has been bouncing around the right wing echo chamber for a while.


Bob Sakowski said...

Isn't it? Simply astounding the lengths these fools, or should that be tools, will go for their little cowardly dry drunk.