Thursday, April 07, 2005

The people tire of Bush.

GratisNet: "So Bush's approval rating is at 45% and heading south. I am shocked!

I heard one comment in the MSM yesterday to the effect that while Bush's approval is in the toilet and heading lower, all bets are off if there is another terrorist attack like 9/11. That got me to thinking about the inconsistencies of the whole 9/11 event timeline and the events of that day. To make a long story short, I have come to disbelieve the official story of 9/11 but the reasons why I have come to this can wait for another day.

Suffice it to say that when Commander Codpiece's approval heads even further into the dumper, expect another 'terrorist' attack. I say here and now, and for the record, 'If Junior's approvals keep declining there will be another terrorist attack, one that will make 9/11 look like a Sunday School picnic.'

I can say this not because I am another Dunninger or soothsayer or fortune teller. I can say this because I know the nature of the gang of criminals and thugs who have gained control of our nation. They will stop at nothing to continue their control over America, partly because of their amoral nature and greed but mostly because they know that there will be a price to pay, a personal price, when they are turned out of power and the harsh light of truth shines upon their dastardly, craven and reprehensible deeds. The time of the gravest danger for our democratic republic is fast approaching and I fear for the America I have known."

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