Wednesday, April 27, 2005

GOP & ethics

GratisNet: "Denny Hastert has given notice that he (and the GOP) are willing to repeal the ethics committee rules enacted to protect Tom DeLay (R-Thief). While this is good news if true, democrats need review this change of heart closely for if anyone in Washington has been shown to be brazen, bold faced liars it's the GOP and Hastert. The GOP needs to have their collective feet held to the fire on this matter. They need to be convinced that it is in their best interests to have a truly fair and bipartisan watchdog on ethical lapses in the House.

The fact that all of the GOP members of the committee have been beneficiaries of DeLay's questionable largess lends doubt as to their fair deliberations regarding DeLay. Allowing them to judge DeLay would be the same as allowing people, who had been given substantial amounts of cash and gifts by an individual, to serve on a jury in a trial involving that person. While one would hope they would be impartial, given the knowledge of human nature, one also knows that such a hope is illogical, which is why people who have a personal or business relationships with an individual at trial are never allowed to sit in judgement of that individual. The temptation to deliberate based on self interests & emotion rather than the facts would be too great."

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