Friday, December 03, 2004

Ukraine Judicial Integrity

The Supreme Court of the Ukraine ruled today that the recent election, filled with fraud, miscounts and voter intimidation, must be done anew. Isn't it nice to see a judicial system with honor, ethics and integrity actually following the law of the land? Our own system could learn much in the example set forth in the Ukraine. It could, if the members of our judiciary had a fraction of the honor of those Ukraine jurists, but quite simply, they do not.

Our media is also covering itself with shame with the stories of two elections, both of which had exit polls point to someone other than the one who "won" the election. In the case of the Ukraine, with only a decade or so experience with polls and free elections our press screams about the exit polls prove there was something foul going on in the election and make demands for a new election. In the case of our election, with many more years of experience with both exit polling and "free" elections, the press screams that the exit polls were wrong and anyone casting doubt on the election based on such is a conspiracy nut, in the same category as those wearing tinfoil hats.

Exit polling, after having proven to be consistently accurate for some thirty years, suddenly "lost" its reliability in the 2000 election and it continued to be so in the elections of 2002 and 2004. Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?

I do and it smells an awful lot like a coup d'etat rat by those who would bring fascism or worse to our republic.

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