Sunday, December 12, 2004

Rumsfeld, the GI and the lack of armor.

By now, everyone has heard of the arrogant ass' (Rumsfeld) experience with the GI in Kuwait who asked about the missing armor plate for trucks and other non-combat vehicles. What you may not have heard is that the cretins on the right in the republican party, you know, the moronic twits like "freepers" and the like, are ready to blame the GIs and reporter who talked with them beforehand.

The reporter was an embed from a Tennessee newspaper in a unit of Tennessee National Guard responsible for moving supplies from Kuwait into Iraq, so it would appear he had every right to discuss the Rumsfeld Q&A with the GIs of the unit and even suggest some questions for those who started this unnecessary war with such little thought or planning. No matter, those brain dead psychos on the right are screaming for his scalp. As to the GIs, well they are calling for courts martial and firing squads.

That tells you much about the republican party these days, the uber patriots, basically cowards all, would have no place for dissent even when the situation cries for it. They would have you believe that they support freedom everywhere, but they in fact wish to suppress it here at home. No crticisms are allowed for Bush and his band of thugs and criminals, if these latter day brown shirts have any say.

Suffice it to say that their actions are not new to the world, they are merely the latest of a long line from NAZI brownshirts to East German STASZI all of whom wished to stop honest dissent and discourse. They are disgrace to our great nation and to the principles of liberty for which it stands. Their brand of "patriotism" is bringing our nation to a looming crisis, a crisis where the meaning of words are turned inside out and liberty is turned into jackbooted fascism. To paraphrase a classic from pre WW2, the lights are going out all over America.

We will not even get into the habit of the utter disgrace of this person occupying the White House and his immature craving for gathering in the company of real heros, and wearing his make believe military get up much like a little momma's boy who never grew out of playing soldier. Unfortunately, when this sorry excuse for a man plays soldier, many good, brave American men and women pay the price. Men and women whose boots the cowardly C-plus Augustus could not carry, or have ever carried, on the best day of his worthless life.

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