Friday, September 22, 2006

Torture USA

What can be said regarding the total capitulation of Senators McCain, Warner and Graham on the torture bill? A reading of the compromise seems to indicate that the primary function of rewriting the bill, and with it our non-compliance with Common Article 3 of the Geneva Accords, is to relieve those individuals at the top of the chain of command, who actually issue the guidelines for interrogation, from all culpability in the torture of prisoners, leaving that responsibility to those low level people in the ranks who actually perform the torture.

Let us understand this, we are not talking about "playing loud music" or "depriving prisoners of sleep" (although that is quite inhumane) or any of the other ridiculous acts that those on the right are saying this legislation is about. No, we are talking about torture by any standard, for who among us is willing to concede that 'waterboarding' is not torture, knowing that the act entails covering the head of a prisoner with plastic wrap or cellophane, etc. then running water over his face in an effort to simulate drowning? Who among us has had their sense of morals so warped by the fear mongering of Bush and his enablers that they cannot see 'waterboarding' for what it is, torture plain and simple?

When Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al agree to endure "waterboarding" or any other of the "alternative interrogation" methods (read torture), then, perhaps then will I rethink my opposition to such unamerican methods. There is no chance that such a scenario will come to pass because first and foremost Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al are morally bankrupt cowards who would never submit themselves to that which they wish to impose on others.

Somewhere The Founders surely weep at what has become of the dream that was America, certainly the citizens of this great country whose moral and ethical compasses still read true to the ideals of those great men are outraged at the path this cowardly and corrupt administration has taken the nation.

As for the Democrats, sorry to say that it seems they are only concerned with keeping their positions rather than standing up to those who would corrupt the American ideals of ethics, morality and above all, fair play. Democrats have not earned the right to retake the halls of congress for they have shown themselves to be as cowardly as the Republicans they wish to replace.

A pox on both their houses.

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