Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hand delivered letter to Senator Nelson, D-FL


If Alito is not the nominee to be opposed, by filibuster if necessary, who exactly would warrant such action?

If this time of a presidency engaged in illegal and immoral acts and ignoring both the legislative and judicial breaches of our government is not the time to say, "enough" what exactly would you require of the times to finally say, "enough?"

If Alito, and his ideas regarding the presidency, is not the embodiment of the ideas that the Founders spoke so elegantly to in the Declaration of Independence, please Sir explain the difference.

Alito is most assuredly qualified for the court based on his legal education and training. He is most assuredly not qualified based on his interpretation of both law and the Constitution, to say nothing of his ethical lapses brought on by a rather unique interpretation of conflict of interest and lying under oath.

The time is now to oppose Alito, both in the floor vote and with a filibuster if necessary.

Please do not turn your back on the dream of the Founders.

Vote NO on the nomination of Samuel Alito.

As a registered democrat, I shall remember your actions come November.

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