Friday, December 23, 2005

Remember this.

Through all the excuses brought forth by Preznit TruthSlayer, his Band of Bunglers and brain dead supporters regarding the spying, sans warrants, on American citizens remember this:

The current FISA law allows the initiation of the wiretap, etc. without a warrant then, within 72 hours or 15 days depending on circumstances, a warrant must be obtained to continue the tap.

So it is not about being able to react quickly, is it? No, it is more likely that this abominable covey of criminals did not want the FISA court to be involved because they knew that they would be thrown out of court. Which begs the question, just who were this latter day KGB spying on? The question needs to be answered because the very existence of our republic depends upon it.

That's it, now have yourselves a Happy Holiday, or Merry Christmas if you prefer, be safe and enjoy the company of family and friends and remember, do something nice for someone you don't know this week.

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