Do Americans know, or care, how the Social Security safety net came about?
Do Americans know, or care, how workplace safety standards came about?
Do Americans know, or care, how child labor laws came about?
Do Americans know, or care, how the middle class grew so rapidly?
Do Americans know, or care, how every beneficial act and program for the people came about?

Given the result of the late election, it would seem not. For those who would like to know the answers, the republican party in general and conservatives, in particular, had virtually nothing to do with it. Go to a library, get on the internet and read the history of the gains made in America, for the people, during the 20th century. When you finish, read the manifesto of the conservative republican and decide for yourself whether they are trying to repeal everything that liberals/progressives, Democrats, brought into being for the people's benefit during the last century. I suspect you will agree that theirs is a desire to go back to the "golden"days of the robber barons of the late 19th century.
The "values" of the "Christian" right are another source of amazement. To listen to the likes of Falwell and Robertson, Jesus didn't say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" but rather, "Give me a few big ones so I can kill the sinner." They are adept at picking and choosing which parts of scripture with which to sway their followers. Perhaps that what is meant by, "The devil can quote scripture..."
When the draft is reinstituted, as it will be, I will not abide anyone who voted for "values" decrying that their son or daughter will be drafted. I will not offer sympathy when they are sent off to Iraq, or Iran, or Syria, or Korea, I shall merely remind them that they have no room to complain because they are getting the values they voted for. It is sad to consider that 57% of the people think America is headed in the wrong direction and then those people go and vote for the "leadership" that is taking us toward the brick wall because of "values" and morals.
Much more to come later but for now, it is time to reflect just how far down the rabbit hole most Americans seem to have gone.
let me say this, I voted for Bush because I had a couple reasons to vote for him as well as several not to vote for him. No one, and I spoke to many liberals firend and strangers who could give me a reason to vote for kerry other than the "he's not bush" line. i'm sorry but it takes more than that.
I was hoping Lieberman would win the primary because he had some great ideas. But the democrats ran a loser. he spoke well, kicked bush's ass in the debates. if he had given people one reason to vote for him, a plan of somekind, he would have won. don't blame the american people, blame the party.
"let me say this, I voted for Bush because I had a couple reasons to vote for him as well as several not to vote for him. No one, and I spoke to many liberals firend and strangers who could give me a reason to vote for kerry other than the "he's not bush" line. i'm sorry but it takes more than that."
Of course it does. I am also sure that there were passengers on the Titanic who, when seeing the iceberg dead ahead and the ship not slowing down, thought the captain was doing the right thing as well.
Think of your vote when Commander Codpiece reinstates the draft and begins a new war in Iran. His maladministration has already begun the drumbeat towards that end using the same reasons as those that were discredited on the march to invading Iraq.
Think of your vote when our economy continues its downward spiral and the dollar collapses when China and the rest of the international community begin to unload the dollars they hold and refuse to fund our fiscal insanity by purchasing our government paper.
Never in my 63+ years have I seen such hubris, deceit and outright incompetence in a president.
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