Tuesday, November 30, 2004


With all that happened on 9/11 and all the chest pounding over 9/11 and the 9/11 Commission, one would think that the republicans would be eager to pass the recommendations of the commission regarding security. One would think that but one would be wrong.

When will the people learn that with the band of thugs now controlling the republican party, nothing will get done that will not bring in the majority of the party into play. Dennis Hastert has said that he would not offer the bill up because too many democrats would vote for it and, in fact, would be required in order to pass the measure. To be sure he did not use those exact words but can anyone doubt that was his meaning in saying that he will not bring to a vote anything that republicans cannot pass on their own?

So the measure languishes in the bowels of the speaker's office, never meant to see the light of day. Once again the republicans show their disdain for those who lost family and friends on that fateful day, and that they are not impressed with the need for making us more secure. They are, as always, concerned first and formost with the party and in that, they are acting like fascists and despotic regimes throughout history. With them party trumps everything. Friends, family, country, everything!

What I do not understand, however, is why the democrats don't use a discharge petition to force the security bill to a vote in the House. This would place both republicans and democrats on the record as to where they stand concerning security. This would also send the signal that the democrats will no longer roll over and play nice while being mugged by republican thugs.

How about it democrats?

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