Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

From this veteran to all veterans, Thank you for your service!

A veteran is someone who, at some point in their life, wrote a check to The United States of America for an amount up to and including their life.  Anon

Friday, October 23, 2009

Are republicans becoming an endangered species?

Latest survey shows that only one in five Americans consider themselves republicans.
These would be the mouth breathers and mentally deranged that consider Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & Glen Beck to be the true leaders of the party.

To prove my point check out this gem of a site,

The Mad Gorilla.

As is plain as day, paranoia runs deep among the extreme right wing of the republican party.

Keep up the good work boys and soon, if we are lucky, the deranged core that represents the republican party today will go the way of the Whigs.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Looney Tunes

Rachel Maddow skewers Rick Perry.

Is it any wonder that people think Texas is populated by loons?

Friday, July 03, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday America!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Cheney disgraces himself yet again.

Dick Cheney once again is on the Sunday talk circuit spouting his doom, gloom and worse tirade.

Where was this outspoken trait during the past eight years? For eight years, or at least after 09-11-01, Cheney was the man who wasn't there, at one undisclosed location after another, one rarely saw a glimpse of this frightened little man.

Now if it is Sunday, Cheney must be on television slamming the Obama administration for making America "unsafe" when his very appearance on television gives testimony to the opposite. Col. Wilkerson was right when he noted that Cheney is a man who frightens easily, in answer to a question regarding his being at undisclosed locations or otherwise hiding in bunkers since 09-11-01. It was only after the election of Obama that he suddenly lost his fear and began speaking out, which proves once again that in addition to being a coward of the first order, Cheney is also a political hack and, by definition, a war criminal.

Prosecute him and the rest of the Bush team who authorized and got off on torturing prisoners? No, but honor our international treaties concerning war crimes and send them to The Hague. Let the court there do it's job and put these war criminals where they belong, in jail. While it would be just to sentence them to be forced to endure the very procedures they authorized, torture is wrong and that includes doing it to those who have authorized it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Free at last, free at last, thank God almightly we are free at last from the disaster that is George W. Bush, the worst president in the history of the republic.

Unfortunately, he has run the country into such a deep ditch that it will take years to recover.

We need a South African style Truth Commission to prosecute the criminals of the Bush Maladministration. Anything less will show that breaking the law and trashing the Constitution is fine as long as it is done by the White House