Saturday, November 20, 2004

Salem witch trials ahead?

Last week, on ABC News This Week with George Stephanopoulos, James Dobson was asked about his comment to an Oklahoma City newspaper that "Patrick Leahy is a 'God's people-hater.' I don't know if he hates God, but he hates God's people," when Stephanopoulos remarked that it seemingly was not a Christian thing to say about the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. Dobson questioned whether Stephanopoulos should "lecture me on what a Christian is all about?"

It is fairly obvious that someone needs to lecture Dobson on what it means to be a Christian, for it is more than obvious that, if he ever knew what it meant, his recent words and deeds indicate he has lost the knowledge. They shall have much to answer for when they stand before the Lord on judgment day and I, for one, would not wish to be in their shoes.

While the Christian in me hopes that those on the right, who proclaim a belief in Christ, yet ignore his teachings with their words and deeds, will mend their ways before it is too late, the realist in me senses that these people are no more Christian than The Renegade, my pet cat.
They are CINOs, Christian In Name Only.

We have John Ashcroft prancing around saying that judges, and everyone else, should not take issue with any decisions made by C-plus Augustus because in doing so, one detracts from the "war" on terror and, in fact aids and abets terrorism. My God, where do these people come from? How can people so ignorant of the basic tenets of our republic ever ascend to high office? Have the American people become so disinterested in facts, that they willingly believe conjecture, innuendo and outright lies told to them by men in power?

The sad truth is that if the people of this once great nation don't soon wake up, come to their senses and realize what is happening to our republic, it will be too late to stop the slide into fascism that is currently taking place.

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