Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hillary's speech.

Hillary makes a gracious concession speech promissing to support Obama.

Obama supporters continue to bash her in every way. They are as vile and filthy in their comments as were the nutjobs on the republican right in their diatribes of the 1990s.

Perhaps the reason is that they know she was, by far, the most qualified person running for the office. She was light years ahead of the "Dope with hope", America's first Affirmative Action presidential nominee.

Howard Dean and the DNC have gone a long way to splintering the Democratic Party.

My reply to an email asking for contributions:

"Come together? After you and the DNC tried to kneecap Sen. Clinton at every turn, you have the unmitigated gall to ask for unity. Suffice it to say that your actions and that of the DNC during this primary season have convinced me to leave the Democratic Party and become an independent.

As for the Rules Committee decision last week where the rules were followed except when they needed to be ignored and made up on the fly, it was a disgrace and an affront to everything the Democratic Party has stood for since the days of FDR. All of you who perpetrated that fraud upon the voters of Michigan and Florida should hang your heads in shame. That is presuming, of course, that you have a sense of honor and dignity that would allow you to recognize the shame.

Please remove my name from your mailing lists."

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