Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fear the truth.

Why is it that the Blogs on the right seem to have a problem with comments? I came across this conservative blog and, after having posted a few comments, the last of which posed some fairly simple questions for the blogger to answer in defense of his position regarding Bush's War on Iraq. I find that he has eliminated the comment option, which is a sure sign that his arguments cannot stand up to scrutiny.

His is not the only right wing blog that has no comments section. It seems that these bloggers are so insecure in their positions and so reluctant to engage in debate that they eliminate the one feature that makes blogging, on the left or on the right, so worthwhile. That is to engage in an interchange of ideas and most of all, to have the opportunity to back up their words with facts and thereby become part of the reality based environment but alas, they choose to remain in a fantasy world where they can pull "facts" out of the air and never face the requirement that made Missouri famous.

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