Friday, September 23, 2005

Thoughts on Friday

-- When Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist asked a trustee to sell all his stock in his family's hospital corporation, a large-scale sell-off by HCA Inc. insiders was under way.

Seems like the Blind Trust set up in accordance with US Statutes wasn't all that blind when it came to Frist wanting to dump stock before the price took a dive. Can anyone say "Insider trading?" If his name was Martha Stewart the SEC would be all over him by now, but because he is the republican majority leader of the Senate...?

Much to do about rumors of Bush having fallen off the wagon. More bruises, more nonsensical conduct, see his latest press conference when he was calling on "Bianca" and more conjecture as to why he needs so many vacations out of sight at the ranch. Who knows what will turn up with all this, but with his disgraceful conduct regarding Cindy Sheehan followed by his criminal indifference during Katrina, the added stress of Rita could well be one crises to much for him to screw up. Personally I doubt it's the bottle that he has gone back to, if he's reverted to any of his destructive old habits it would be the coke. He would get a momentary high with a drink or two but then depression would really set in. Nope, if he's back to doing anything, it has to be coke, even the way he acted at his last couple of press conferences would seem to point towards coke rather than booze.

Tragedy on a Texas interstate. A bus carrying some 45 elderly people, some on oxygen, bursts into flame, at least 20 feared dead. Common sight on the traffic snarled Texas interstates, cars running out of gas further backing up traffic. Heard a righteous bastard from the state on MSNBC going on about how Texas knows how to evacuate a city unlike the people in Louisiana. Have I forgotten exploding buses and automobiles running out of gas during the exodus out of NOLA or did the media just not report it? Yes sir, Texas sure knows how to manage the evacuation of a city.

Bush cancels photo op in San Antonio, seems he was told such a move would be seen as getting in the way of search, rescue and recovery efforts. He decides to monitor the progress of Hurricane Rita from the bunker in Cheyenne Mountain. What is it with this cowardly bastard, the White House wasn't sufficient for him to keep abreast of the storm as it comes ashore? His cut and run will come as no surprise to anyone considering what will be transpiring in DC this weekend. He STILL doesn't have the stones to face Cindy Sheehan.

Finally, run everything you hear coming from a republican these days through the following filter: If their lips are moving, the likelihood that they are lying approaches certainty.

TGIF, do something nice for someone you DON'T know and have a great weekend.


Jeff Huber said...

Sure, I'd guess coke too. Hell, the guy was born with a silver spoon up his nose.


Bob Sakowski said...

Indeed he was, Jeff. The magnitude of the disaster that is George W. Bush and his regime absolutely boggles the mind.