Sunday, August 21, 2005

Culture of Corruption. Culture of Ignorance.

GratisNet: "Ohio governor Bob Taft cops a Nolo plea to charges of running afoul of Ohio law as it relates to reporting favors, money, etc. received under the table as it were. Such is the republican Culture of Corruption.

When I asked a certified member of the wingnut faction of the republican party (in Ohio) what he had to say about that, I thought I would hear a rant about Taft disgracing the party and a demand for his resignation. Alas, such was not the case for I was told that when Taft was informed that he had violated the law, he 'turned himself in' to pay his fine. Such is the Culture of Ignorance.

Let the wingnut faction of the republican party not just continue their choke hold on our government but increase it and I suspect the downfall of America will occur in less than a generation. Every thinking person, regardless of political persuasion needs to get behind the reform in how America votes and more importantly, how those votes are counted before the dream of America becomes just that, a distant dream of how things once were and how much was lost.

Paper ballots. Separate national election day(s). No more complicated ballots, at most, only three choices on the ballot (Pres/VP, Rep & Sen in 1/3 of states). The manual counting will be fast enough. Manual counts, do we really need to know who won before the polls actually close or do we really need honest elections with honest counts?"

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