Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Speaking of the unspeakable

GratisNet: "A Boston Globe reader nails it.

'...The second, more disturbing, possibility is that Bush authorized, either explicitly or implicitly, the leak to retaliate against Joseph C. Wilson IV, who publicly presented evidence that the administration was distorting facts to sell the American people on going to war. Either way, the president has painted himself into a corner.'

Read the letter

I have had the picture of C-plus Augustus being a part of the Wilson mess from the git go and most certainly in the obstruction and coverup that have followed. One hopes Mr. Fitzgerald's investigation will kick ass and take names, regardless of the asses or names involved. The future of our republic depends on it."


Bob Sakowski said...

"If Bush *and* Cheney were removed, who would be acting Preznit? Hastert? What would happen?"

Hastert would be preznit, period. He would serve out Commander Codpiece's term. He would also pick a VP to be confirmed by the Congress, that's both the House & Senate and it's by a majority vote.

It's only happened the one time with Gerald Ford nominating Nelson Rockefeller in on 08-20-74 and the congress confirming it on 12-19-74.

Has it really been 31 years since those days? Time flies when you're having fun. ;)

Bob Sakowski said...

"But Hastert? Sheesh. Two bad apples for another rotting one +. Should Bush and Cheney go we're REALLY screwed.

"Must. Start. Drinking."
