Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bush in Prime Time

GratisNet: "It will be interesting to see what happens when the congress enacts neither his energy policy or his Social Security 'reform.' Five will get you ten that the arrogant bastard loses it much like he lost it in an Austin restaurant upon seeing Al Hunt having dinner with his young daughter during the 1992 campaign of Poppy. Hunt had written some uncomplimentary things about Poppy and C-plus Augustus stormed over to Hunt's table and proceded to dress him down using language that would embarrass a drunken sailor. It isn't going to be pretty but then the American people will finally know just what a poor excuse for a man George W. Bush truly is."


Anonymous said...

I am so ashamed that I wasted my vote for george war bush. What was I thinking? Why did I let my right wing extremist, neo-conservative, neo-evangelical thinking get in the way of exercising sound personal judgment? Growing up, I was led to believe that the republican party was a grass roots party of the people & for the people. In retrospect, it is clear that the last 3 presidents produced by the republican party were nothing more then the rich man's rich man hiding under the disguise of the overly misused term, "conservative". The economic dark ages of reagonomics screwed over the middle and lower classes of this county simply to benefit the rich and wealthy. George warmonger bush has quietly shifted this country back to those economic dark ages. Bush inherited a strong economy and screwed that up real quick. And even though 9 -11 did happen, none of bush’s reckless screwed up decisions are justified by that day in history. It is clear that he never had any real salient foreign & domestic policies when he became president in 2000. Now we have 4 more years of the same crap and a growing body count overseas. If we ever actually do get out of Iraq, nothing will have changed and nothing will have been gained. The American people have never been given a specific object in Iraq or a clear definition of exactly what victory in Iraq is from the president. Invading Iraq never had anything to do with, WMD, freeing the Iraqi people or making Americans safer and secure. Statements about WMD, Freeing Iraq or Making America Safer are nothing more then a marketing spin used to hide the ugly truth and make the lies palatable to the American public and justifiable to the red necks who voted for him. Bush likes to make statements such as “It’s worth the price” but he never says just what exactly “it” is. If he really believes that, then he should put his money where his mouth is and send his daughters to go fight in Iraq. The republican party claims to be for smaller less wasteful government but the current administration is responsible for the waste of more money, resources and human lives then any past democrat presidency. I have a hard time sleeping at night knowing that the blood of Americans and innocent civilians is on my hands and the hands of those who voted for george warmonger bush. The real legacy of the bush cabinet is going to be one characterized by lots of wrongful deaths, lots of money and resources wasted, unnecessary tax increases for our children and grandchildren and the unnecessary destruction of various social programs that good decent people count on. Thanks to bush and his power hungry cabinet who all want to control congress, the senate & the supreme court, the USA is now a third world country hiding under the disguise of prosperity. Now that the USA owes all these hundreds of millions of dollars to countries like China, Germany, Russia & Japan, I wonder which language I need to learn for the day when these countries come to collect…

Bob Sakowski said...

"I wonder which language I need to learn for the day when these countries come to collect… "

I would imagine that Chinese would be a prudent choice, unfortunately.

You are correct, the country will being paying for this incompetent administration for many years to come.