Wednesday, January 05, 2005


If one man with limited resources can do this, imagine what the result would be if his efforts were repeated a thousandfold!.

From BuzzFlash :

From Robert Millman:

I plan to take on talk radio where I live. And I'm writing to ask you to help.

AM radio is a free market place. Anyone can place an issue ad on the air. All it takes is a credit card, an e-mail address
and access to a fax machine. Depending on where you live, and what program you choose, a 30-second radio ad will
cost from $20 to $120 a spot.

I have produced seven "Paid Radio Moments." They are 30-second ads that frame progressive issues. I plan on putting
them on air on WGY (the big AM radio station in Albany, New York) in the first week of January.

I plan to make these audio files available to anyone willing to put them on the air in their entirety, that's my only condition for
full and free use. As long as a spot is played in full, anyone is welcome to one or all of them.

Robert Millman

OK Robert, here they are, in their entirety and GratisNet is proud to make them available online.

The Deficit
Justifications for war
The right to vote

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